Glad you made it. This is OMNI RAINBOW(Luke Chrisco) here talking and greetin you with a smiley :)

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Not-real-important-paragraph-below. Its mostly about bands i like.
You came here for some reason. And im glad youre here. This is all about inviting you to be a friend of mine someday. If your into music so am I. I like cake, and dave mathews, and weezer, and anidefranco, and the allman brothers, and the greatful dead, and ben harper, and jimcroce and jewel and cat stevens and lifehouse and creed and stone temple and jefferson airplane and heart and the beatles and dave brubeck and george acosta and trance and techno and bop and rap ludicris jim crow, paul desmond and folk and clasical faure and tchiacowski and rachmoninof and chopin and everybody else im forgeting. You keep me going.

Must Sees
I am trying to put together some poeple who will put together a festival so that i can change the world. Ultimately i will need to change myself or i will never be happy. I have alot of trouble hiding behind masks. Eventually rather than conquering my fear of things i would like to come to the place where i do not have any fear nor see any reason to. I want to feel like i live in a safe world and no one can hurt me unless i let them. I guess that is conquering my fears but its all paradoxical because FEAR IS A RIDICULOUS THING. I dont want it in my life any more. Love, feeling, kindness, strength, perseverance, goals and all is waht i really want to come into my life. Im going to make it happen. Im going to make it happen it is just a matter of time right. But how long am i going to decide that it takes. Who knows but im ready to change and to grow right now. I AM going to die someday. But i happen to be alive at the moment. I happen to be able to breath and to love and to change and to make a difference and to be beautiful. Every word i used to think was hollow or corny or over used, you know the very simple terms like love and peace and joy and life and death and kindness and fear and shame and despair and hope and beauty all those ahve come to mean EVERYTHING to me and the word "everthing has come to mean "EVERYTHING" to me.

My Corkboard

Lately lately
Like i said life is gettin kinda busy. all i have to do though is manage my time correctly and i can do whatever is needin to get done. Time is an idea. It doesnt exist. So i dont worry about it.
Ive been workin on being in the moment lately. Its hard as hell to break old habits of my own fear of living and just let the stress roll of my shoulders.

Email me at

Read? Hike? Think? Party? Smile?
Then you should be my friend. I want to know as many people as possible and to learn tons of new things about the world because i dont know shit! Ill be gettin a cell real soon and ill be able to network much better. Im working on starting a business and developing some inventions at the moment and working full time so im fairly busy but im always looking for new friends! If any of you want to go to parties i have alot of peoples numbers and i almost alway have parties to go to so email me with your cell number or whatever and be on the party list.

So many beautiful things...willwind
Shining clicking coins dropped unknowing are a beauty
round full boat rowing wild in waves washed sideways
woven wonder winding willwind.
Attending open air regea along the
water front in madison wisconsin is a must for any
serious travel music junkie. So yo skip tha bullshit
What boat. Once upon a lime i took a small boat number
zerocamaro of the goofers sailing club 2 hours none
suspected. Nightime it was bright. Fun it was dark.
Adventurous risky smooth perhaps magnificent like
nepoleans ice cream box ashtray filter.
I dont claim golfer status
I a sailer.
Dont sail much though Maybe a frisbee golfer but dont
do that much.
i can laze-fling-lose frisbee for curve-trace- and go
roam through multitudes of intertwining path human
trail monkey searching for plastic red glimmering
tangled in tall grass or the
small grass-shrub scrub leg bite lip roll lid of eye.
Rowing like washing dirty dishes helps whats real
focus on movie screen of space of line of life of sign
maker mystic disney hoot indian AAAAHHHHHYYYYOOO.
Sea weed is real.
Life is real hard.
You dont have the answer you dont seek.
Accept it OMNI you are alone in a billion things you
are one in the ten thousand things you are together in
yourself in the family of your fallenness. If i
said I cant describe what I feel you would stare at
some corner of my mouth. Well I cant describe the
details I taste, or intracacies I incidentaly
imagine out of foolish habit. If God I told you I
dont have the space in myself to put the dreams I
swallow on a daily basis you would believe her and
awaken when I bang at barricaded cages of yr immense
heart wall.
I awaken with a faint cat next to my car.
Cat has been a friend for months now.
It lives on content swaying contentedly its soft tail.

Are we not something so simply simple free?
I sure tangle myself in my webs too often loving it.
Maybe I misstaking them for a knitted blanket of
enlightenment is easier than fading on easy flies
wings in these 52 eyes.
Comfort may be some kind of prison and enlightenment
like heroin or a sun you burn your body with.
I keep in my identity my soul food no mind all rye.
Part of what I understand is I am a nice person.
I and other nice people love eachother.
I love giving trees at noon the most of shade ground
speaking shade no whisper yelling out heart truth.
Troy and i alnong with a neat girl we met down by the
capitol on state street climbed up a tree at the
library square.
The tree was one I have grown very fond of lately and
have taken to hugging and loving whenever I pass by. I
told the story of the giving tree.
Troy looks like a norseman bike repairman. He works at
a norse bike shop smiling everyday at home sitting on
The girls lauren she talked with the rythm of happy
Playfully scooping out yr soul hammock as you move
toward her myetery gaze.
All playing frogger in the student union Is
a really old stone building heavy on the first floor
are places to eat silently or not so.
10 games of frogger so funny.
We stood on the side hoppin through spaces in the line
of people passing. If someone stopped, if you got in
the way, it was a "stopifie"
Likewise if touched or you hopeed into
a non frog being.
It was a "touchifie".
Nobody wants a "touchifie". Who? Nobody.
The large caffeteria room is always
playing that sublime song "what I got"
I love hearing tunes in there boom around the walls.
Actually us three next headed to a concert on the
water front a ska band show.
Troy and I lost laura.
It happened in the mob of the concert.
In the giving tree troy told nursery rhymes mother
goose a he got a dig and save.
Dig and save is a thrift store.
Dig through piles of clothes or books or toys or junk.
Pay by the pound.
Some kids book and a big book of fairy
tales are what I bought that day at there.
Reading "snow white and the seven dwarves" I read
maybe: Snow white had silk skin and fire engine red
lips and dark black hair. The queen was jealous of her
beauty for snow white out did the prep queen.
Im more tan lately. Whats surprising isnt that Im
writing less. It is yes that I feel I have seven
sentences to say ten about kittens and puppies; even
sex and calculators breaking watchgears repair hut
windows frame staples.
I cant explain it. IT. EXPLAINS IT SELF.
You have no reason beyond you exist as reasoning
sweeping crumbs? You exist now. Yet. You are.
Why is there anything not new? Because it is old as
you are not.
In unfolding. Power. Yes. Elegant drama filled with
immense stretches of inactivity. Stagnation.
Uquenchable suffering. A circular cycle? ?it? how
Everywhere is a universe with other universes INSIDE
My state is burned badly brave.
I will return.
Five girls left to follow to the end of attention.
Birds are bellowing in high noise at pointy jointy
leaves knees.
Yogurt with pound cake is fake taste food good dude.
Mushroom sandwich. Chives. Checkers. Marbles. Glitter.
Dream dust. Feather ferns. Basil. Flour from the wind
of baseball.
Vases of see through green warp.
Cases of topaz chanting "FREE YOURSELF" me twidling
toes directioning where to where to next to.
You your not an any see through.
You on too flags or slogans for some other cause than
yourself makes me fall sleeping at the wheel of our
fragmented conversation. Isnot it natural stopping

My Obsessive Counter
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